
Showing posts from September, 2020

Redemption Brew Day! | New Inline Chiller | BIAB | Digiboil 35L


Redemption Pale Ale & Brewing Beer Again After I Lost a Whole Batch!

Today I'm getting back on the horse after a disastrous brew failure last time round. To cut a long story short, I managed to ruin my last beer on brew day when I made a spur of the moment decision to add acid to my mash without planning it. I ended up with a beer that was undrinkable and a hard lesson about the dangers of making brewing decisions with no prior understanding. Lesson learnt. So today I'm going to remake that beer but this time I'm going to do things right, and the first change I've made is to purchase bru'n water and plan out my recipe additions properly. Bru'n water allows you to more accurately make your acid additions by taking into account your current water profile and grain bill. So instead of guessing or trying to look up info on google at the last minute I'm going into this beer with a baseline that I can test and modify going forward.   Bru'n water also takes care of your other water additions and puts it all into one spread

Australian Pale Ale Brew Day With Mistakes!
