
Showing posts from August, 2020

Why It's Hard to Find Reliable Home Brewing Help Online!

If there's one thing I hate as a relatively new home brewer, it's that reliable help and information can be hard to find online, sometimes even really hard to find! We've all been there, your having an issue with a brew day or with a finished beer and your looking for a solution on Google but more often than not the information Google is giving you is just not helping. Why is that? Well there are many reasons why the information out there online and in print can be unhelpful, so in this blog post i'm going to attempt to discuss them all in a way that actually helps you and hopefully stays relevant for anyone who finds this post in the years to come. You Don't Know What the Problem Even Is Beware of the Internet! When problems occur the most popular place to look for solutions, especially if we need them urgently is the internet. Google and YouTube are the two biggest search engines on the internet and can be very helpful when you know exactly what to search for but

Pale Ale Brew Day Pilot | No Chill | BIAB | Digiboil 35L | Fermenter Kin...

  This is my first Pilot brew day video for my new YouTube channel. I hope you enjoy!

How to Release Pressure to Dry Hop in the Fermenter King Junior

G'day Brewers! Today I've got my first video up on my YouTube channel and it's about how to dry hop safely in a pressure fermenter without making a huge mess! I hope you enjoy and it helps you with your pressure fermenting.