Pressure Fermentation - Why Did I Decide To Do It?
Fermenter King Junior on its First Brew Day As of the date that I've written this article, I've only been brewing for 11 months! So yeah, if your reading this anytime in the future i'm not an "expert" yet, whatever that means! But in my first 11 months I've now clocked up 23 beers of varying styles, sizes and methods, in fact i think I've already brewed every way possible except in a three vessel systems and in my toilet. Ok, so maybe the toilet thing was a bit too much but let's just say that I've had a world of experience in my first 23 brews. My first batch was an all grain brew using a 5L small batch kit I bought from a shop in Sydney. The brew day was clumsy and nerve wracking to say the least, but the beer i produced in that first bottle i cracked brought a literal tear to my eye. I wasn't going to win any awards, but it was a malty/hoppy flavor bomb that blew away any fears i had that brewing at home couldn't produce quality be